1 de noviembre de 2015

PMI Talent Triangle

PMI has recently launched an update of the Continuing Certification Requirements -CCR-. As you probably know, each PMI certification holder must renew it every 3 years getting a certain number of Professional Development Units -PDUs-. You can get one PDU by each hour attending to scheduled structured training on project management and also by each hour working as a professional.

CCR program is the mechanism imposed by PMI® to get every credential holder continuously updated, informed and solcialized. Credential holders must ensure his or her commitment to the profession through continuous practice and recycling. There are many ways to get PDUs, including:
  • formal education courses
  • continuing education
  • self directed learning
  • creating knowledge
  • volunteer services
  • working as a professional

Efective on December 1st 2015, education activities will have to be aligned to the so called PMI Talent Triangle. This talent triangle specifies 3 separated areas matching what PM employers consider as critical skills:
  • Technical Project Management: Knowledge, skills and behaviors related to specific domains of project, program and portfolio management or the technical aspects of performing one’s job/role.This area includes, for instance, courses on requirements gathering techniques, project controls and scheduling, risk management, scope management, agile tools and techniques, certification maintenance courses, etc.
  • Leadership: Knowledge, skills and behaviors specific to motivating and guiding others. Leadership is the ability to articulate a vision and guide or influence others to help achieve that objective. This area includes, for instance, courses on negotiation, conflict management, motivation, giving/receiving feedback, influencing, problem solving, team building, emotional intelligence, etc.
  • Strategic and Business Management: Knowledge of and expertise in the industry or organization that enhances performance and better delivers business outcomes. This area includes, for instance, courses on business acumen, finance, operational functions –e.g. marketing, legal-, strategic planning/alignment, contract management, complexity management, etc.

You can download this practical flyer by PMI with more examples. 

One important change is the number of PDUs on education and giving back to the profession. Education category is covered with the talent triangle. Giving back to the profession is divided into volunteering, creating knowledge and working as a professional
Regarding to the PMP credential, the number of PDUs for education has to be more than 35 and giving back has to be reported with less than 25 PDUs.
Besides, you have to get more than 8 PDUs on each of the 3 skills areas of the talent triangle. Giving back is optional, and there is a maximun of 8 PDUs at working as a professional. See these constraints represented below:
For example, any PMP credential holder will be eligible to renew if before the 3 years cycle he or she gets:
  1. 20 PDUs at courses on technical project management, 16 at leadership courses, 12 at stretegic and business management courses, 4 at volunteering, 3 at creating knowledge and 5 working as a professional (see figure 1 below). 
  2. Other suitable combination could be 8 PDUs at working as a professional (no more), 17 at volunteering, 14 at technical, 13 at leadership and 8 (no less) at strategic and business management courses (figure 2). 
  3. He or she could renew with education: with 20 PDUs at each talent triangle area, for instance, all requirements are met (figure 3).

    PMI has published a series of clarifying FAQs. They explain, for instance, that one sigle course may get PDUs on different triangle areas. Let set an example: one 8 hours training (exluding breaks and lunch), 7 hours could be deboted to technical project management, 45 minutes to leadership and 15 minutes to strategic and business management. Students may claim:
    • 7 PDUs at Technical Project Management
    • 0.75 PDUs at Leadership
    • 0.25 PDUs at Business and Strategic Management

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